I recently had the privilege of meeting Brother Torrey Babb at the Desiring God mission’s conference. I was drawn to his ministry by my experience in Peru and many other countries of the third-world. It is hard for those of us in the West to imagine what a soccer ball means to a little boy living in abject poverty in a country where soccer is the king of all sports. The Mission Ball could be used to open up a door for the Gospel in neighborhoods, schools, orphanages, or in the life of one small boy or girl. It is not a gimmick. It is a thoughtful gift!
—Paul David Washer, HeartCry Missionary Society
Soccer is the world’s most popular sport, and The Mission Ball is a wonderfully innovative way to reach the millions who love this game.
—Ray Comfort, Living Waters, Way of the Master, and creator of 180Movie.com
Not only does The Mission Ball get the Gospel into the hands of lost people…it keeps it there! The Mission Ball is the Gospel presentation that keeps on preaching. Brilliant!
—Todd Friel, Wretched Radio and TV
Need a gospel tract that kids won’t turn down or throw away? The Mission Ball is just the thing. This is a really clever and effective evangelistic tool, ideal for cross-cultural ministry.
—Phil Johnson, Executive Director of Grace to You
The Mission Ball represents creative thinking when it comes to spreading the Word of God. Nothing replaces preaching. Yet this effort can help spread a basic understanding of the gospel message, aiding the church globally in its efforts to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in every major language under the sun.
—Chris Larson, President at Ligonier Ministries
In the Odyssey Adventure Club, we encourage kids to catch a vision for what God is doing in other parts of the world. We hear lots of amazing stories. A common thread is the hunger for a clear, contagious way to share the Gospel. I wish every missionary and global outreach could find a way to incorporate The Mission Ball as part of their ministry. What a simple, yet amazingly effective tool.
—Bob Smithouser, Adventures in Odyssey producer